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Selected Essays


Remarks to Bend the Arc national call

a Jewish communal call following the Buffalo shooting

sncc sign.jpg

What Dreams

of Canada

Tell Us About

Race in America

in The Pitch


(reprinted from History News Network)

keep loving for web cream.jpg

Want to Fight


After Pittsburgh?

Here's one easy way.


in The Washington Post

di shvue for web.jpg

The Jewish Bund

​in The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present

afn shvel for web.jpg

Al yodekho un

beyn eynekho

Far vos ikh lern zikh yidish


(Upon Your Arm and Between Your Eyes: Why I Study Yiddish)


in Afn Shvel: The Journal of the League for Yiddish

red roses from rena yehuda post credit Alexandru Boicu via Unsplash.jpg

To the New Jewish Left

Workmen's Circle march - possibly 1934 i

Trump & Giuliani's

Crude, Coercive &

Conditional 'Love'

for Jews

in Ha'aretz

lighted arrow for web.jpg

Offers We

Couldn't Refuse

The Decline of Actively Secular

Jewish Identity

in the 20th century U.S.


revised from Jewish Currents

Salah Khaled google maps red sea from eg

How to Split

the Sea

Antisemitism and Social Change


in Righteous Indignation:

A Jewish Call for Justice

jesus never fails again.png

All I Really

Need to Know

On Growing Up

White in East Germantown


for the Germantown Historical Society


The World Demands Otherwise

A Response to Jewish Currents


on the role of the Jewish Left in resisting antisemitism

italian antisemitic poster 1943

Bernie Sanders May Soon Have to Confront This Antisemitic Myth

in The Washington Post

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Coming Clean

​in Class Lives: Stories from Across Our Economic Divide

Shabbat with Bubbie for web.jpg

The Ethics of

the Soldiers

My Father, Myself and

the Israeli Refuseniks


in Bridges: A Journal for Jewish Feminists and our Friends

Image credits:


Remarks to Bend the Arc national call: Mike Labrum via Unsplash

To the New Jewish Left: Alexandru Boicu via Unsplash

Offers We Couldn't Refuse: Automotive Solutions Youtube Channel

The World Demands Otherwise: Kristopher Roller (Unsplash).

What Dreams of Canada: SNCC protest against the Vietnam War, Anthology Film Archives & Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture

Trump and Giuliani's...: Workmen's Circle rally circa 1934, archival source unknown, from Mapping Yiddish New York

Bernie Sanders May Soon...: Italian propaganda poster circa 1943, from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum collection

Want to Fight Antisemitism, After Pittsburgh? Dalia Sapon-Shevin

Coming Clean: Kelly Blair

The Jewish Bund: Mir Trogn a Gezang

How to Split the Sea: Salah Khaled, Google Maps/Picasa 2017

Ethics of the Soldiers: Bubbie

Al yodekho: Afn Shvel

All I Really Need to Know: Maps data 2011, Google 2019

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