April Rosenblum
Selected Essays
Image credits:
Remarks to Bend the Arc national call: Mike Labrum via Unsplash
To the New Jewish Left: Alexandru Boicu via Unsplash
Offers We Couldn't Refuse: Automotive Solutions Youtube Channel
The World Demands Otherwise: Kristopher Roller (Unsplash).
What Dreams of Canada: SNCC protest against the Vietnam War, Anthology Film Archives & Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture
Trump and Giuliani's...: Workmen's Circle rally circa 1934, archival source unknown, from Mapping Yiddish New York
Bernie Sanders May Soon...: Italian propaganda poster circa 1943, from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum collection
Want to Fight Antisemitism, After Pittsburgh? Dalia Sapon-Shevin
Coming Clean: Kelly Blair
The Jewish Bund: Mir Trogn a Gezang
How to Split the Sea: Salah Khaled, Google Maps/Picasa 2017
Ethics of the Soldiers: Bubbie
Al yodekho: Afn Shvel
All I Really Need to Know: Maps data 2011, Google 2019