April Rosenblum
Other Resources:
On antisemitism, I also recommend these resources.
For general audiences:
My 2019 Washington Post piece offers fresh perspectives on resisting antisemitism for a wide audience.
Not just for activists, Cherie Brown and Amy Leos-Urbel's 2017 pamphlet, Anti-Semitism: Why Is It Everyone's Concern? is written in broad, approachable language.
For Leftists who are still skeptics:
Eric K. Ward's essay, Skin in the Game, deftly weaves together nuts and bolts theory on the antisemitic core of white nationalism with personal reflections from his early years as a Black anti-fascist organizer.
For social justice organizers & theorists:
Jews For Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) produced their carefully-conceived 2017 report, Understanding Antisemitism: An Offering to Our Movement, as the collective work of a multiracial Jewish team of activists and thinkers.
For a global perspective:
Julia T.'s essay From Pittsburgh to Brazil: Antisemitism and Fascist Violence views current antisemitism in the context of the global resurgence of the far Right.